Corporate social responsibilities
Our People, our environment, our community and our business are of utmost importance to us.
We at Mascott are committed to the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility through our core business strategy and corporate values.
Our People are our key business asset and as such we are committed to ensuring their continual development in their careers, whilst supporting them through our care programmes including health awareness and providing volunteering opportunities.
We are conscious of our responsibility to conserve the environments in which we work, by minimising the impact of our construction activities and leaving a positive social and economic on the communities in which we work. We continue to improve our sustainable approach to all our business dealings through our accreditation to ISO 14001.
We recognize that we play an important role in the communities in which we work and encourage and empower our employees to get involved by way of supporting their local activities and using company resources to help create a mutual benefit.
Mascott are committed to responsible and ethical trading standards promoting this throughout our workforce and supply chain. We will not tolerate exploitation of labour, slave labour, intimidation, harassment or abuse of any kind.
Our commitment to Sustainable Procurement in Construction is demonstrated through the purchasing of materials from sustainable sources along with our strict waste and recycling protocols.